Thursday 12 November 2009

I'm a Bad Gamerscore Whore nice to meet you.

So here is it, the first of hopefully many posts on various topics to do with Gaming, mainly on the Xbox, but who knows it may go beyond that.

A little about me and this blog, well I'm there was a time when i was labelled as a "Gamerscore whore" when I spent the time finishing Assassins Creed and Mass Effect to get the full 1000g. it was a title I was happy with. Since then I've completed over 10 games to the full 1000g.

However i have found i'm getting complacent with the games I've got and not completing them to the full 1000g. Sometimes it's due to pure lack of skill and sometimes out of laziness. hence the title "Bad Gamerscore Whore".

So this blog will discuss various achievements and games on the Xbox 360, so from Achievements I'm finding hard, easy and Stupid to games I'm playing, liking, looking forward to etc. I'll also discuss games I don't like.

Don't be shy to comment on anything you agree/disagree with me on, as it'll make an interesting conversation point.

Well until the next post. Ciao for Niao!

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